Why isn't solar power more common?
The most reliable and pollution-free power in the world is the sun. However, as with anything, there are downfalls to using solar. Having solar panels installed is costly and not only that, but it is inconsistent in availability.
It is five to eleven times more costly to produce electricity from the sun than it is from coal, hydro or nuclear sources. The next thing is production only takes place when the sun is shining. So large storage systems would need to be developed to provide a constant and reliable source of electricity throughout the night. However, the upside is that the harvesting of the sun's rays is clean and safe. It produces no emissions, it's practical, and may in the years ahead prove to be very economical. Besides, solar energy systems are reliable and can last for a very long time.
The good part of the solar energy quest is that technology is advancing very rapidly. Nanotechnology for solar power is being developed and may be available in the next couple of years.
Other breakthroughs in cell designs are also being developed that could, in the next few years, be a cost-effective way of generating energy without having to rely anymore on fossil and nuclear power.
If you are considering the option of solar powering your home or commercial property, contact a professional at John's Electric.