The Future of Alabama Power’s Smart Neighborhoods
The future gets brighter every day. Technology is continually improving to make our lives and the environment a better place. One way that is completely changing the way we are building homes throughout the Birmingham area is with Alabama Power Smart Neighborhoods.
A "smart neighborhood" is where all of the houses are built with the latest innovation of technology in mind to create a comfortable, convenient, smart, and green home. These new constructions have programmable thermostats, better insulation, security, and highly efficient appliances — all which can be accessed by your smartphone.
By incorporating the highest level of technology in the home, it will also be helpful to the environment. By conserving energy while the homeowner is away and using more environmentally friendly but durable building materials, the homeowner is saving on energy cost and doing their part to be green. Electric vehicle charging outlets will also be standard in most models.
These new smart neighborhoods will be available soon in Auburn and Leeds, Alabama, with many more to be announced in other areas. For more information on these incredible developments click here.