The endless possibilities of LED Lighting
For many years, homeowners looking to expand their interior design creativity into the lighting and ambiance aspect of their homes were limited to only the options that standard light bulbs and CFL bulbs provide. Then, LED lights came on the scene and opened up a world of possibilities.
From completely changing the overall look and feel of the room to highlighting only specific nooks or corners, LED lighting offers homeowners options for any room of your home.
Check out these LED lighting project photos from houzz.com for inspiration to begin your LED lighting transformation:
As you can see, any room can go from traditional to contemporary or modern with the use of creative LED light placement. Bonus? The energy savings you'll realize from a conversion to LED lights is remarkable. Each LED lighting fixture consumes as little as 4 watts of electricity as opposed to the standard 20-100 watts most traditional standard light bulbs consume.
For information on how to utilize the services of an electrician to guide you through your LED lighting project, contact the professionals a John's Electric today.