Storm Season is Coming: Protect your Home with Whole Home Surge Protection
With the end of the cold, brisk fall and winter days drawing near, it’s time to prepare for Spring and the inevitable storm season that comes along with it. After a long Winter of overloading your home’s electrical system with large appliances like your oven, furnace, HVAC, and holiday lights, with the upcoming storm season, your home is more at risk than ever for dangerous electrical surges that can damage pricey electronics and even put you in harm’s way.
Like a bouncer at a nightclub, a whole home surge protector keeps unruly electrical arcs and over voltages from reaching the inside of your home while letting in only the exact amount of electricity your home needs.
Usually wired directly to your home’s electric box, whole home surge protectors are located in the perfect location to prevent electrical surges to your appliances and electronics using metal oxide varistors (MOVs) to stop surges. Unlike the MOVs used in surge strips (which can be rendered useless with one surge), the MOVs in whole home surge protectors are built to stop the largest of surges and can last for several years.
With the latest advances in technology, whole home surge protection is needed now more than ever. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves and even LED lighting all have little circuit boards in them. Almost everything we plug in these days is in need of surge protection.
Contrary to popular belief, lightning isn’t the leading cause of electrical surges. They’re usually caused by short little transient bursts that we generate ourselves. Appliances like generators and air conditioners cause small surges that build up over time, negatively affect the performance of appliances and shorten their life span. This is caused by the largest appliances (like the AC) sending surges through the electrical panel and affecting all of your home’s other appliances.
So, whether it’s storm season or you live in a relatively mild area, whole home surge protection is vital to the protection of your home and valuables. Contact the professionals at John’s Electric today to discuss your options.