Spring Cleaning Time...for your home's electric system?
Spring Cleaning! Time to dust, vacuum, throw out some old stuff, organize the shelves….but is it possible to Spring Clean your home’s power? As we approach the hot summer days and begin to fire up the air conditioner, there’s no better time then now to do some Electric Spring Cleaning!
Make your home more energy efficient this spring by doing a few simple things:
Change the tilt of your ceiling fan. Did you know that ceiling fans spin in two different directions? One way brings air up and the other way pushes air down. Using a step ladder, check the direction that your ceiling fan is rotating. It should be rotating to bring air up during the winter and rotating to push air down during the spring and summer to circulate the cold air from your air conditioner system
Have your air conditioning unit serviced. Having maintenance performed on your your air conditioner is a great way to make sure that it is working as efficiently as possible. The technician will remove any debris and dust that might be slowing air flow and can refill coolant levels.
Change light bulbs. Go through your home and make sure you have replaced all of your light bulbs with new, energy efficient bulbs like LED and compact fluorescent. These light bulbs use up to 10 times less energy than incandescent bulbs and can have a significant impact on your utility bill. Don’t forget to check on exterior light bulbs as these lights tend to get left on accidentally.
Spring is a great time to look around your home and identify projects that could be tackled. It is a time to start new and fresh, many people remove any tools they used to winterize their home and start to think about having the curtains open to let the sunshine in, spending time outdoors, and hosting pool parties or yard sales. Make sure that your home is ready for summer by giving your electrical usage a facelift too!