Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: What you need to know!
With the recent time change, it’s never been a better time to check out your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors! You can never anticipate a fire or a carbon monoxide threat, so having these two very important detectors in working order is always a top priority.
You probably know that these detectors have to have battery changes every so often, but did you know that they also have an expiration date? In fact, if you haven't changed out your detectors since you moved into your home, chances are they’re outdated and need to be replaced. There’s also a good possibility that your smoke alarms may not even work! Every smoke alarm has a test button to be sure it is working, and testing your alarms once a month will help you be sure that yours pass the test. It takes just a few seconds, and could possibly save your life. This should become a routine item on your home maintenance checklist.
Say you’ve done all of that, your smoke detectors are working and not expired, you test them every month. What now? Well, be sure you have enough! For example, if you live in a two story, 3 bedroom home, you should have at least five smoke detectors throughout the home.
Not only are smoke detectors a high priority, you also have carbon monoxide detectors. These are separate and detect the silent killer, carbon monoxide smoke. Because carbon monoxide is tasteless, smell-less, and unseeable, having detectors is the only way to prevent this build up. In fact, in many states (including Alabama) , it’s illegal not to install these when a home is newly built. They should be replaced every 5 years as well.