Why Autumn is the best season in Alabama.
Down in the south seasons seem to run together, going right from hot summer to a cold winter and not much fall in between. Fortunately, in Alabama, it's easy to experience a lovely autumn season. So what is one to expect from an Alabama autumn? Will the weather be beautiful? Do the leaves change and fall? Here we uncover some of the best parts of spending this fall season in Alabama.
Not many are aware, but Alabama is known for some gorgeous color changing in the autumn foliage. There is even a collection of specific spots dedicated to letting locals and tourists alike see the varying changing trees throughout the state called the Circle of Colors Trail. The red, orange and yellow colors start to pop through around the last week of October (timing is perfect with Halloween) and can be seen as soon as you're over the Alabama/Georgia line. But make sure you catch the color changes quick! Once the third week of November rolls around, the majority of those leaves will have fallen and leave only bare branches until next year.
Along with the beautiful mix of colors brought on by the falling leaves, the air outside will become much more appealing as it drops a little day by day. Come October the temperatures in Alabama won't reach lower than 59°F or anything over 88°F. This provides those outside enjoying fall festivities to stay out a little longer and enjoy an occasional breeze that accompanies the cooler temperatures.
The fall colors and crisp autumn air make Alabama a choice spot to enjoy the season in. On top of expecting these welcome changes, autumn also brings on the sense of holidays to come and gets us ready for a cold, cold winter! So enjoy the cool breeze while the leaves go from green to the ground before the snow comes back again!