Make Sure You are Getting your Security Lighting Right
If your home or commercial space is in a location that causes you constant concern in terms of security, one solution to deter vandalism, burglary or trespassing is to install proper security lighting around your home or office.
Security lighting is not much different than the lights we use inside our homes, but what makes them so effective is the fact that these lights are stronger and more powerful against factors of weather or tampering. Every quality security system involves properly powered lighting strategically placed.
The angles of your lights makes all the difference when it comes to utilizing security lighting for the protection of your property. For example, a security light placed directly over an entrance door must be angled in such a way that it does not cast a shadow over a person approaching the door and does not obstruct the view physically or by a security camera.
Also, security lighting should be installed in such a manner that while you are looking outside, you can see the person outside, but you cannot be seen by them. Therefore, angles are crucial in getting the most out of your security lighting.
For peace of mind, leave it to the professionals at John’s Electric to correctly install and configure your security lighting system to provide you with the best results possible.