How to save money on your Alabama Power Bill
It seems like it gets harder and harder to save money these days. Many Americans are struggling to pay the rent one more month or buy groceries for another week. This year has hit everyone hard in the pocketbook, especially during the pandemic. If you are looking for ways to save a little money, take a look at your Alabama Power bill and work to make it lower.
We all need electricity to live our lives, but have you ever wondered how much you are wasting? Every year Alabamians pay hundreds of dollars more than they should to Alabama Power. There are a few simple ways to save on your energy bill if you remember to make it a habit.
Shut off electronics. Look around your home, and you will find electronics on or plugged in that no one is using. Obviously, it is obvious to shut off lights and ceiling fans when no one is in the room, but what about that iPad that's been charging or curling iron plugged in? Shutting off and unplugging electronics when not in use is a simple way to see your power bill drop significantly.
Turn off the air and open the windows! If it is a pose at day outside, shut off the air, open the windows and let in the fresh breeze. Not only does it give your A/C unit a break, but it will also cut energy costs. Not to mention letting in fresh air is excellent for your health and to get stale smells out of your home.
Program your thermostat. If you work during the day and you know no one is home, it's a good idea to turn the thermostat up a few degrees, so you are not cooling or heating an empty house. Program it to change to your preferred temperature 30 minutes before you come home; that way you never have to come home to a hot or cold house. Automation can save you hundreds of dollars a year in energy costs if done correctly.
Schedule a home electrical inspection. An electrician like John's Electric can tell you ways to save on your energy bill. He can even upgrade your electrical panel to help you save up to $600 a year. Contact John's Electric today to schedule your home electrical inspection and start saving money right away!