Here is why you should organize and label your electric panel
Knowing what's lurking behind the electric panel door is more than just staying organized. Labeling what's what in your electrical panel can help you better understand what does what to keep the lights on. Familiarizing yourself with these sorts of things will benefit in the long run, creating a basic knowledge and respect of that specific subject. Here you will find the top benefits and tips of labeling and organizing your electric panel.
When labeling the electric panel, use the buddy system! Have someone help out and join you as one test the switches and the other keeps an eye on the panel.
For future DIY projects will already have a labeled layout of the panel to document what goes where.
Creating the labeling themselves isn't too time-consuming. Use already sticky blank labels and apply to each switch on the panel.
Going through to label your electric panel gives a chance to inspect the panel. If some of the sections of the panel don't belong to that specific breaker, it could mean there is improper wiring and should be looked at by a professional asap.
Large household items use up a lot of energy so these items (i.e., washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, etc.) will sometimes end up on more than one breaker and that's okay!
When labeling, writing out the full name may be too much for a small label. If this is the case, use a numbered system and write out a key. Keep the key behind the panel door or somewhere safe for easy access.
It may take up a short afternoon, but labeling your electric panel can save a lot of frustration down the line. Knowing precisely what's what and where it's supposed to be, gives you the advantage as a consumer to find what you really need, rather than what someone wants to sell. It also gives you the peace of mind in knowing more about the inner workings of your home.
If you need help organizing and labeling your panel or you need an entire upgrade contact the expert electricians at John's Electric.