Getting smart about Christmas lights in 2018

Getting smart about Christmas lights in 2018

Halloween came and went, and now, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Well, once the decorating is finished, that is. One of the most visually pleasing parts of the season is all the festive lights in creative places on neighboring houses. But that type of effect isn't limited to just outdoors; lighting plays a big part in Christmas inside as well. A tree with no lights looks dimly like a big plant in the center of the room. That's until the carefully strung lights shine throughout the magnificent green (and sometimes even white) tree and show off what's adorned on the branches. To make sure you get the most of your festive lighting, this year make a switch if you haven't already too smart lighting with LEDs.

Maybe you have a specific box tucked away just for Christmas decorations, and you know you have a right amount of lights stored in there. But how long have been in there? And are you sure they all work correctly and don't overheat? Chances are you're going to wind up with a dead bulb (if not a whole strand), and it's going to give off a stinky plastic smell. Switching to smart LED lighting for your decorating needs eliminates the annoyance of one bad bulb ruining the entire strand. If one bulb goes out, it's easily replaceable - but if it's not that much of an eyesore, it won't knock out the other lights on the strand.

Nostalgia is a big reason why we sometimes hold onto old Christmas lights. The incandescent lighting brings back memories of Christmas past, and thankfully the new smart lighting gives you that beautiful Christmas glow just like a new set of old lights. The LEDs also last much longer, having a lifespan of around ten years! All while giving off those vibrant colors.

These smart Christmas lights may cost a little more than traditional incandescent lights, but the benefits seem to outweigh the cost. These types of lights will last for ten holiday seasons and live up to their first appearance every time. The energy it takes to run the lights is so low it's hardly noticeable at all. So that means no sky-high power bills because no one wants to turn the tree lights off at night! Making the switch to smart LED Christmas lights will keep you in the holiday spirit until it's time to pack it all up for next year.

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