Do you know what to do near a downed power line?

Do you know what to do near a downed power line?

Downed power lines are hazardous, even deadly. You should never touch a downed power line and always assume that the downed line is live.

Remember these guidelines

Avoid making contact with the downed power line.

  • These means do not use your hands or any other object, even a wooden broom, stick, or pole.

  • Do not touch anything or anyone that is in contact with a fallen line, like a car, object, equipment or individual.

  • Keep pets and children far away from downed power lines

  • Call 911 right away to report the downed line

If a fallen power line comes into contact with your vehicle, here's how to stay safe:

  • Stay inside your car. The ground around your car may be energized with electricity.

  • Use your cell phone to dial 911, or honk your horn and roll down your window to ask someone to call 911 for you.

  • Warn people to stay away, as anyone who touches the ground or equipment around your vehicle could be injured.

  • Wait for emergency responders to arrive and let you know it is safe to get out of your vehicle before exiting.

If a fire starts before help arrives:

  • Remove loose articles of clothing.

  • Keep your hands by your sides and jump away from the vehicle so that you're not touching it when your feet hit the ground.

  • Keep your feet close together and shuffle away without picking up your feet.

Share this article with a friend to keep them safe should they encounter a down power line.

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