New homeowners should never ignore these electrical responsibilities

New homeowners should never ignore these electrical responsibilities

Whether the issue is large or small, problems with electricity are often ignored until they become apparent.

Smart Home Technology Trends

Smart Home Technology Trends

The most exciting trend in 2021 is proving to be even more intelligent home automation.

Secure Your Home with a Smart Doorbell

Secure Your Home with a Smart Doorbell

Caller ID long ago brought us the ability to decide whether or not to answer our phones.

How to save money on your Alabama Power Bill

How to save money on your Alabama Power Bill

It seems like it gets harder and harder to save money these days.

Latest Gadgets to Help with Thanksgiving Dinner Prep

Latest Gadgets to Help with Thanksgiving Dinner Prep

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American tradition that brings the entire family together for a delicious home-cooked meal.

What is a WiFi extender?

What is a WiFi extender?

A sound internet connection is essential for life in this day and age.

Bring fun and romance to your home with dimmer switches

Bring fun and romance to your home with dimmer switches

Daylight Savings time is coming soon, which means it will be darker a lot earlier.

Is UV light safe for killing viruses?

Is UV light safe for killing viruses?

Since the beginning of March, the Coronavirus has been a massive part of our daily lives.

My Smoke Detector Won’t Stop Beeping!

My Smoke Detector Won’t Stop Beeping!

It happens to everyone, eventually.

Birmingham Area Not Doing Well with Sustainability

Birmingham Area Not Doing Well with Sustainability

As we sail into a new year and decade, we look to the future and evaluate our past to see how things can be improved.

5 important fire safety tips to keep you safe

5 important fire safety tips to keep you safe

According to the US Fire Administration, fires kill more than 4,000 people and injures approximately 20,000 more.

What is the future of solar power in Alabama?

What is the future of solar power in Alabama?

The sun is the natural source of the most abundant, reliable, and pollution-free power in the world.

Christmas Safety Tips from an Electrician

Christmas Safety Tips from an Electrician

With all of the hustle and bustle activity surrounding the holidays, too often, safety gets ignored as a priority, leaving opportunity for accidents or injuries (including burns) to occur.

Tips to Keep Your Alabama Power Bill Low This Winter

Tips to Keep Your Alabama Power Bill Low This Winter

Fall is in full swing and Winter will be here before you know it!

Why Autumn is the best season in Alabama.

Why Autumn is the best season in Alabama.

Down in the south seasons seem to run together, going right from hot summer to a cold winter and not much fall in between.

Saving On Your Electric Bill During a Hot Alabama Summer

Saving On Your Electric Bill During a Hot Alabama Summer

Summer is here, and there is no doubt that Alabama has some of the hottest temperatures in the country!

What is GFCI protection and how is it maintained?

What is GFCI protection and how is it maintained?

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) devices are required in specific areas of our homes by law.

The Future of Alabama Power’s Smart Neighborhoods

The Future of Alabama Power’s Smart Neighborhoods

The future gets brighter every day.

Is aluminum wire a fire hazard and what should I do about it?

Is aluminum wire a fire hazard and what should I do about it?

From the mid-'60s to the early '70s, electricians in many new or remodeled homes installed aluminum wiring to feed branch circuits from the main panel to outlets and lighting fixtures.

Electrical Spring cleaning the right way

Electrical Spring cleaning the right way

Spring cleaning time is just about here!

What to do during a Winter power outage

What to do during a Winter power outage

While anytime the power goes out isn't a convenient time for anyone, but losing your power in the winter can be especially dangerous, and you should have an emergency plan just in case you are faced with power loss over the winter months.

Have you scheduled electrical maintenance inspection for the new year?

Have you scheduled electrical maintenance inspection for the new year?

The year old 2018 is over already, and as we move into the new year it is time to schedule appointments for many things such as a yearly physical, car tune-up, or a vet visit for your pet.

Getting smart about Christmas lights in 2018

Getting smart about Christmas lights in 2018

Halloween came and went, and now, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Why isn't solar power more common?

Why isn't solar power more common?

The most reliable and pollution-free power in the world is the sun.

Teach kids about electrical safety

Teach kids about electrical safety

With an ever-increasing number of electronic devices in homes today, it is more vital now than it has ever been to teach children the importance of safety when it comes to electricity.

Is a ceiling fan installation a DIY project?

Is a ceiling fan installation a DIY project?

Although countless online "DIY guides" exist that make ceiling fan installation look simple, the reality is that there are many huge risks involved with working with electricity, and while some may get lucky and get it right the first time, it is far more common for amateur mishaps to occur than not.

Don't just throw away old electronics in the trash

Don't just throw away old electronics in the trash

Once something is broken or no longer of any use, it usually ends up in the garbage.

Do you know what to do near a downed power line?

Do you know what to do near a downed power line?

Downed power lines are hazardous, even deadly.

Here is why you should organize and label your electric panel

Here is why you should organize and label your electric panel

Knowing what's lurking behind the electric panel door is more than just staying organized.

Do I really need an exhaust fan in my bathroom?

Do I really need an exhaust fan in my bathroom?

Many older homes today still don't have exhaust fans in the bathroom.

Make life easier with recessed outlets

Make life easier with recessed outlets

We are always looking for new ways to make our lives easier while also implementing the most stylish options available.

Will it be a snowy Alabama Winter?

Will it be a snowy Alabama Winter?

Anytime the power goes out, it's inconvenient, but losing power in the winter is particularly dangerous and requires an emergency plan in in the event of a loss of power.

Could our electric grid survive an EMP attack?

Could our electric grid survive an EMP attack?

There has been no shortage of controversy in politics today.

Fire Safety Tips for Fire Prevention Month

Fire Safety Tips for Fire Prevention Month

According to the United States Fire Administration, fires kill more than 4,000 people in America each year and injure approximately 20,000 more.

Glowing Hot Bad Lug - Electrical Panel

Glowing Hot Bad Lug - Electrical Panel

Awesome video of a bad lug on a 200 amp electrical panel.

Amazing new technology powers wearable devices with our own sweat

Amazing new technology powers wearable devices with our own sweat

A team of engineers from the University of California, San Diego has developed remarkable stretchable power cells that take energy from your own sweat and power electronics, like LEDs and even Bluetooth radios!

Pros and cons of a tankless water heater

Pros and cons of a tankless water heater

At least once in a lifetime, we have all experienced being in the middle of a nice, hot shower only to feel the water go from steamy to icy in what feels like seconds.

Electric Cars VS Hybrid Cars -- Which is Better in Alabama?

Electric Cars VS Hybrid Cars -- Which is Better in Alabama?

Thinking of making the switch from gas to hybrid or electric?

Spring is the perfect time for an electrical safety inspection

Spring is the perfect time for an electrical safety inspection

Electrical circuitry and panels tend to get ignored throughout the year and only get addressed when you experience a short circuit or electrical trips.

Why is my main breaker on the breaker panel tripping all the time?

Why is my main breaker on the breaker panel tripping all the time?

There are several reasons why your breaker trips repeatedly.

Don't make this electrical mistake!

Don't make this electrical mistake!

There are many older homes in Birmingham and the surrounding areas.

The endless possibilities of LED Lighting

The endless possibilities of LED Lighting

For many years, homeowners looking to expand their interior design creativity into the lighting and ambiance aspect of their homes were limited to only the options that standard light bulbs and CFL bulbs provide.

Five ways to keep static electricity at bay during colder weather

Five ways to keep static electricity at bay during colder weather

Static electricity is the result of unequal positive and negative charges between two objects.

Brighten the Stars over Birmingham with Dark Sky Lighting

Brighten the Stars over Birmingham with Dark Sky Lighting

Living in Birmingham, all our lives the night has been artificially lit by street lamps and blazing bright lights from every parking lot.

Handyman & Electrical Work Is Not Worth It

Handyman & Electrical Work Is Not Worth It

Recently we were called to a job to fix the work of a not so handy “handyman”

5 Ways to Curb Energy Use During the Holidays

5 Ways to Curb Energy Use During the Holidays

The holidays are a time of increased power consumption, but they don't have to be.

Why are the lights blinking in my house?

Why are the lights blinking in my house?

While lights flickering or blinking in your home are not always a cause for concern, it is always best to be sure the flickering lights are not in fact part of a larger issue.

What could be causing my dryer to run, but not get hot or dry clothes?

What could be causing my dryer to run, but not get hot or dry clothes?

Despite what most appliance stores would have you believe, if you are experiencing an issue with your dryer running but not heating or drying your clothes, the problem may not be your dryer at all - it's your electricity!

Autumn Electrical Safety Check List

Autumn Electrical Safety Check List

Autumn has arrived and with it has come the time to consider what you don't see every day, behind the walls:

Lighting for a Better Sleep

Lighting for a Better Sleep

Melatonin is a hormone in our bodies that is responsible for sleepiness.

Alabama & Auburn Football - Time To Upgrade Your Home Theater

Alabama & Auburn Football - Time To Upgrade Your Home Theater

This year’s Iron Bowl - as it has over the last seven seasons - is once again expected to have a major impact on college football’s national championship.

Electrical Service Upgrade in Hoover

Electrical Service Upgrade in Hoover

Here are some photos from a recent electrical troubleshooting job in Hoover at a commercial shopping center.

How To Read Your Alabama Power Meter

How To Read Your Alabama Power Meter

Learning to read your power meter can mean the difference between blindly paying what the electric company says you owe and knowing where to find their mistakes.

Plan Your Electrical Work For Your New Home Construction

Plan Your Electrical Work For Your New Home Construction

When you’re building a new home, your imagination can run wild!

This Simple Device Could Save Your Child's Life

This Simple Device Could Save Your Child's Life

When it comes to the safety and well being of our children, the need for electrical safety is of utmost concern.

Selling Your Home? Watch Out For DIY Wiring!

Selling Your Home? Watch Out For DIY Wiring!

As a homeowner, you have every right to carry out any work that needs to be done in your home, including electrical wiring and there are many cases when DIY electrical wiring may seem like a tempting option.

How to Hack Your Electric Bill

How to Hack Your Electric Bill

In 2008, according to the Energy Information Agency, the national average for residential monthly electric bills was $95.66.

Hiring an Unlicensed Electrician: What's the Risk

Hiring an Unlicensed Electrician: What's the Risk

While the thought of hiring an unlicensed electrician in order to save money may seem like a tempting solution, in reality the risks you’re taking could cost you much more than the few bucks more you’ll pay with hiring a licensed professional electrician to perform your electrical work.

Summertime Electrical Safety Tips

Summertime Electrical Safety Tips

Now that we are enjoying warm weather in Alabama and Summer is right around the corner, people will be spending their time outdoors more.

Home Appliances that are the Biggest Energy Hogs

Home Appliances that are the Biggest Energy Hogs

While the thought of turning off or unplugging all of the appliances and electronic devices in your home while not in use seems like an impractical one, recent analysis performed by the environmental website fuelfix shows that as homeowners, consumers can save at least $100 a year by simply making it a habit to turn off or unplug as many items as possible when not in use.

Cordless Electrical Car Charging: The Future is Here!

Cordless Electrical Car Charging: The Future is Here!

Also known as wireless charging or inductive charging, cordless car charging uses an electromagnetic field to transfer energy between the charging station and the electric car.

The Safe Way to Handle Broken CFL Bulbs

The Safe Way to Handle Broken CFL Bulbs

Broken CFL bulbs often cause immediate panic from exposure to the mercury contained in them and the possible adverse health effects.

Storm Season is Coming: Protect your Home with Whole Home Surge Protection

Storm Season is Coming: Protect your Home with Whole Home Surge Protection

With the end of the cold, brisk fall and winter days drawing near, it’s time to prepare for Spring and the inevitable storm season that comes along with it.

10 space heater safety rules everyone should know

10 space heater safety rules everyone should know

Space heaters - we’ve all heard the horror stories of using them.

Awesome lighting ideas to brighten your Valentine's Day!

Awesome lighting ideas to brighten your Valentine's Day!

For that special someone in our lives, Valentine’s Day often goes beyond just a simple card.

5 Mind Blowing Facts About Electricity

5 Mind Blowing Facts About Electricity

Here are 5 facts about electricity we swear are 100% true!

Electrical Considerations When Purchasing an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger

Electrical Considerations When Purchasing an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger

Most all drivers of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and Electric Vehicles (EVs) are in the habit of charging their electric vehicles at home overnight using either AC Level 1 or AC Level 2 EV charging equipment. 

Easy Tricks to Lower Your Refrigerator's Energy Consumption

Easy Tricks to Lower Your Refrigerator's Energy Consumption

There is something in every home that no one can live without.

Can You Live Without Power and Technology For A Few Days?

Can You Live Without Power and Technology For A Few Days?

Alabama seems to be notorious for extreme weather and unprecedented storms these days.

What if your power goes out during the winter?

What if your power goes out during the winter?

Any time the power goes out is an inconvenient time, but losing power in the winter can be particularly dangerous and you should always have an emergency plan in case you are faced with a loss of power in these upcoming winter months.

Deck Your Halls With These Important Electrical Safety Tips

Deck Your Halls With These Important Electrical Safety Tips

The Holidays are in full swing and no doubt you are decorating your home to make the season bright.

This Technology Lets You Control Your Christmas Lights Right From The Comfort of Your Own Phone

This Technology Lets You Control Your Christmas Lights Right From The Comfort of Your Own Phone

Who doesn’t love the holiday season?

Make Sure You are Getting your Security Lighting Right

Make Sure You are Getting your Security Lighting Right

If your home or commercial space is in a location that causes you constant concern in terms of security, one solution to deter vandalism, burglary or trespassing is to install proper security lighting around your home or office.

4 Awesome Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Electricians

4 Awesome Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Electricians

You may see them as just skilled laborers, but there is so much more about electricians you may not know.

Microwave vs. Stove - which one is more energy efficient?

Microwave vs. Stove - which one is more energy efficient?

Your microwave is a much more efficient way to heat or reheat than your stove top, mainly because your stovetop wastes quite a fair amount of heat.

Is Your Breaker a Double Tapped Breaker?

Is Your Breaker a Double Tapped Breaker?

Is your electrical panel safe?

Awesome Ways to Light Your Bathroom at Night

Awesome Ways to Light Your Bathroom at Night

We've all been there stumbling across the room, stepping on the cat, fiddling around for the light switch, and lighting up the whole house just to go to the bathroom.

Why You Should Never Hire Unlicensed or Uninsured Electrical Contractors

Why You Should Never Hire Unlicensed or Uninsured Electrical Contractors

You wouldn’t hire an unlicensed doctor and trust him with your health, and you wouldn’t hire an unlicensed tax preparer and trust her with your money - so why risk hiring an unlicensed or uninsured electrician and trust them with the safety of your home and family?

We are Helping You Go Green

We are Helping You Go Green

These days going green seems to be on everyone's mind.

Improve Your Game Day

Improve Your Game Day

Unless you live under a rock, you know that college football season has started and here in Alabama, that means the fun has just begun.

Important Safety Tips for the Rainy Season

Important Safety Tips for the Rainy Season

No matter where you live, during periods of heavy rain and intense thunderstorms, there are important things to remember with regard to your safety and the safety of your loved ones.

Solar Classroom In A Box

Solar Classroom In A Box

Many places in the world still have limited access to electricity.

The Importance of Outdoor Outlets

The Importance of Outdoor Outlets

With summer time coming to an end and fall weather approaching, the weather is going to be perfect for spending time outside with friends and family.

Whole House Surge Protection

Whole House Surge Protection

Whole House Surge Protection can be thought of much like a bouncer in a night club –

Flooding and Electrical Safety

Flooding and Electrical Safety

With the recent influx of flooding in various areas throughout the country, the issue of electrical safety during a flood is at the forefront of everyone’s mind.

Creating a Perfect Home Theater System

Creating a Perfect Home Theater System

Undoubtedly, the installation of a home theater system is one of the most exciting things you can add to your home.

Be a Solution to Light Pollution

Be a Solution to Light Pollution

There is one type of pollution that many people over look.

How Much Electricity are we Actually Using?

How Much Electricity are we Actually Using?

How much electricity is your household using?

Which Hot Water Heater is Best for your Family?

Which Hot Water Heater is Best for your Family?

Recently, the U.S Government released new regulations governing water heaters.

What Electricians look for When Troubleshooting your Home

What Electricians look for When Troubleshooting your Home

There are more services than most people realize in which an electrician can be of help.

Staying Safe During Thunderstorms

Staying Safe During Thunderstorms

Thunderstorm season is upon us, and it is important you follow these guidelines to keep you and your family safe.

Fuse Box Dangers

Fuse Box Dangers

Understanding electrical wiring and the type that is present in your home is key to protecting your safety and the safety of the wiring in your home.

Light Bulbs! What's the difference?

Light Bulbs! What's the difference?

For a lot of consumers, navigating the ever changing light bulb isle is becoming as difficult as identifying a car part.

Protect Your Home with a Whole Home Surge Suppressor

Protect Your Home with a Whole Home Surge Suppressor

Like most people, you probably haven’t stopped and really thought about exactly how many devices you have in your home that are plugged into a power outlet.

Help! I've Got Aluminum Wiring in My House!

Help! I've Got Aluminum Wiring in My House!

Common Question from a very concerned customer:

5 Electrical Jobs To Leave To A Professional

5 Electrical Jobs To Leave To A Professional

Everyone loves a good Do It Yourself project, and why not?

Spring Cleaning Time...for your home's electric system?

Spring Cleaning Time...for your home's electric system?

Spring Cleaning!

Future Tech - LED Outlet Covers

Future Tech - LED Outlet Covers

There was a time that outlet covers were just boring pieces of plastic that hid the metal housing and wiring of your outlets.

The Future of Electrical Outlets is Here

The Future of Electrical Outlets is Here

With the ever changing modernization of life, we have more and more electronics at home, which means more and more Electrical Outlets, Sockets and Switches to keep them running.

Spotting a Bad Electrician

Spotting a Bad Electrician

Hiring someone to electrical work on your home can be daunting task.

5 Common Electrical Hazards

5 Common Electrical Hazards

You have a lurking danger in your home, something you may not even think about.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: What you need to know!

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: What you need to know!

With the recent time change, it’s never been a better time to check out your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors!

Electrical Inspection Fire Safety

Electrical Inspection Fire Safety

No matter the age of your home or how many precautions you've taken to plan for your family's safety, electrical incidents can take you by surprise and nearly always come without warning.

Fuse Box Replacement

Fuse Box Replacement

Think of your fuse box as the heart of your home’s wiring system.

5 Reasons your Alabama Power Meter Socket may need to be replaced

5 Reasons your Alabama Power Meter Socket may need to be replaced

A meter socket is a type of outdoor electrical socket that connects a watt-hour meter, or electrical meter, to a house.

Is it time to Upgrade your Outdated Electrical Panel?

Is it time to Upgrade your Outdated Electrical Panel?

When it comes time to inspect your home’s Electrical Panel, there are 5 main things I will look at to determine whether it’s time for you to upgrade:

GFCI Protection: What it is and how to maintain it

GFCI Protection: What it is and how to maintain it

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) devices, are required in specific areas of our homes.

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